2 — 3 Years

In 2s and 3s, we…

  • Use the Bible Adventure curriculum to teach Bible stories, have worship, and learn memory verses.

    • This curriculum is fully integrated with the Bible Adventure App and the Bible Storybook Bible.

  • Pray together.

  • Do monthly craft activities.

  • Provide take-home materials for families to do together.

Our 2s and 3s class is available at all of our weekend services - Saturdays at 5PM and Sundays at 8:30, 10, and 11:30AM.

4 Years — Kindergarten

In 4-K we…

  • Use the brite* curriculum from Awana to teach Bible stories, do hands on activities, and learn memory verses.

  • Pray together.

  • Join the elementary kids for worship.

  • Provide take-home materials for families to do together.

Our 4-K class is available at the following weekend service times: Sundays at 8:30, 10, and 11:30AM.